Friday, February 18, 2011

Iron black skin.

That black figure again in my dream. Just completely dark with no eyes, in fact no face.... I am operating some sort of stealth suit as a test and all I have to do is keep away from this large spherical sentry drone in these tunnels. I am being successful until at one point I predict it's movement incorrectly and my limited stealth depletes. I then had to pull out my sword which I had previously learned how to use, kinda like a wii-mote haha. I fought the spherical drone and could see it's armor was weakening in my helmet's visual integrity display. I finally side-stepped the drone and thrust the sword through it collapsing one side as I broke it through a wall. As more of it's scaly armor falls apart I see some figure inside kneeling next to a bath tub and I recognize it as something horrible that I have seen before. I lunge at the figure through the newly opened carapace of the drone. I speedily get closer as I see lights starting to come out of it's eyes, or at least where they should be. That is when I full out start snarling and growl at the darkness. Roaring somewhat, I lean in to bite it on the neck. Which is when I wake up just realizing my dream as I was halfway out of bed roaring at the darkness in the direction of my bass amp, in fact so close I almost hit my face on it. I am not sure if this was to mean anything, but that iron black skinned absence of soul gave me strong Deja-vu. Next time I see that demon I'll make peace with it if I can, or kill it if absolutely necessary. It may be the darkness and the abcess that I feel in my own heart, or perhaps simply the uncertain. Perhaps the things you can't see in the dark simply manifested into that iron black figure. I did fear it, but I also accepted that fear in an instant and lunged in to fight, whether it would have beaten me or not. Go dream me!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The dust

It's settled over everything....
there hasn't been anyone to stir it,
Not even I can seem to whir it with music.
It stings my eyes, but I can't cry, I mustn't cry.
There has been no embrace for me in a long time.
Something has come oh so close,
But! I could not be close for their sake,
As perfect a match it seemed, I had to forsake.
Therefore, I am still morose.
Distraction is the only action,
A brief smile better than a day laid down,
I find the way to turn the sad up-side-down.
Sometimes it works, sometimes in flunks.
In the end though, I am still left with the dust.
It won't go away, it persists to haze my vision.
I'm just gonna put it this way,
FUCK the dust. I'm gonna go find a fuckin leaf blower.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I did too remember

The silly little things that happen
The warmth
The kisses I give you when you're asleep
How god-damn adorable you are when you're asleep :p
The hard times you helped me through
The quiet times with you
So funny...

Love you :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Perhaps life is sometimes like a car.
Often days, people need to stop looking for a problem and drive.
If there is a problem, one stops and takes care of it right?
But one doesnt stop every time they hear their car working perfectly thinking "whoa, there has got to be a problem.." right? So why stop life to try and find problems that were never going to stop life anyways? Just keep driving.
So please, if the road isn't looking too bad, and the car is in good condition, keep rolling and let the wind blow over while listening to some music and know that life is good. There's always room to make life a bit better. Sometimes people need to just stop trying to find reasons to make it worse.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


The other day I came up with a new way for scientists to describe toes based on this little piggy went to market rhyme. Here as following from biggest toe, to smallest toe:
Market Piggy
Home Piggy
Roast Beef Piggy
None Piggy
and Wee Wee Wee

Sorry you had to see this lol, I felt a need to get this one out.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Well, I guess the only way I can describe it.. is that it is my best attribute. When I play music, is a time when I can just chill and let whatever mood is goin on just flow out of my fingers like a stream. It is the time where people most often seem to somewhat appreciate my being. As I pick up my bass though... right now playing it. I just miss the old days when my true focus was just on music. I dont feel that I am making myself the time lately to do it. (It is not all that hard to, but as many people know, real musicians are procrastinators big-time. sometimes even when it comes to music oddly enough.) I am really just writing this for me as a reminder to play music more and let that mood and atmosphere infect the other parts of my day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guess WHOOOO!!!!??? wahahahaha

psoriasis________________________twenty four!
cheater cheater tapioca eater!!!_______________fifteen~!!
soulja boy .... if soulja boy can do it, anyone can do it. ________________________________________________________________________________we don't know the #
apostrophe... it works today. weeehooo!!!________________sixteen!
that gamr! .. game... fuckin crazy!!!!_____five!! Got it!
taco-pad? naw #
ROCK LOBSTA!_____________13! my favorite... bitch.
You're my bitch.And stop correcting me dammit!!________eight. For sure.
Im sorry....._________________17^^^^
I hate cave monsters!___three.
not three cave monsters.... just three.
0 cave monsters.Zero

Get it?_1... sucka.

believe it or not.